"One coach will impact more people in one year than the average person will in their lifetime."  - Billy Graham

We absolutely agree with Reverend Graham! That's why we made it a priority to invest in coaches and give them the tools they need to win in the most important arena: at home!

At this dynamic, fully interactive workshop, couples came away with two huge results: First, they created a customized marriage plan, just for them. Second, they grew in intimacy and discovered things about their spouse they might not have known. There's nothing like being reminded of why a couple fell in love in the first place!

NBA veteran & pastors, Keith & Jennifer Tower did a masterful job of leading each couple to take a deep dive and grow closer together! We hope you'll consider being at the next one and help us spread the word! 

Clic on the image below to watch the recap video! 


Changing the world through sports

2022 Transformational Marriage Recap Video

​​​​925 Athletic Ministries

July 14-15, 2022

Northstar Church, Kennesaw, GA